Palmer Retail Solutions Blog

5 Ways to Improve Your End Cap Displays

Written by Kathy Heil | Jun 23, 2015 7:14:54 PM

End cap displays can be a gold mine for almost any retail store, but they’re especially valuable where gondolas and similar shelving units are common, because there’s an opportunity at the end of every row. Industry watchers disagree on the exact number, but everyone agrees end caps have the power to sell many times more than a similar display in a “regular” location. So it’s important to learn now ways to improve your end cap displays.

For starters, end cap displays can:

  • Draw perimeter shoppers toward the center store.
  • Draw attention down adjacent aisles.
  • Improve customer experience by helping them discover new products and inspiring them to buy and try them.

Obviously, it’s worthwhile to improve your end cap displays. Here are five proven ways you can do that.

1. Make them more attractive.

End caps lend themselves nicely to three-sided or angled presentation. Whether you obtain pre-fab displays from vendors or construct them yourself, there are almost unlimited ways to design, stock and use color and other details to attract the eye and motivate shoppers to reach out for the merchandise. Check out some of these beauties.

Keep them fully stocked. But remember that while you want your end caps to look “plentiful,” perfection scares shoppers. So remove a few items to give the impression others are already taking advantage of this excellent deal. End caps need to be sized and configured to accommodate enough inventory to reduce restocking frequency. And they should always look clean and tidy for maximum eye appeal.

2. Sell suggestively.

Make it easy for shoppers to grab-and-go, if the products warrant that, but don’t ignore opportunities to promote a deeper, more hands-on experience by integrating a video display that demonstrates an item or incorporating sampling or testing opportunities. Fill end caps with items related to nearby merchandise, encouraging shoppers to check out the mid-aisle display just around the corner with an even greater selection of similar or complementary items

3. Display the right merchandise.

Because of their prominent position, end caps are often used to unload slow-sellers and other sale merchandise. And there’s good reason to do that. But putting this prime real estate to more effective use can boost your sales even more in the long run. End caps are ideal for seasonal goods, to feature a single product, or promote a small grouping of complementary products.

4. Put featured items of advertised specials front and center.

Well-designed end cap displays have superior drawing power on their own, but if you stock some of yours with featured merchandise, customers will already be primed to look for them.

5. Change them up.

End caps lose their allure if left in place too long. Depending on your store type and the display itself, plan to refresh every 1-4 weeks.

Of course there is a lot more to effective merchandising than making the most of your end cap displays. The merchandise arranged in between the ends, your display windows, and your entryways all work together to create maximum visual excitement and drive sales.

Palmer Retail Solutions strives to offer our clients the absolute best combination of innovation, quality, service, and value for our diversified custom store fixtures and merchandising displays. For more information about our designs, retail fixtures, cash wraps, kiosks, or point of purchase displays, visit our website at: