Palmer Retail Solutions Blog

How to Keep Your Mall Kiosk Secure

Written by Kathy Heil | May 12, 2015 9:30:00 PM

Tips to Stop Shoplifting at a Mall Kiosk 

Theft by shoplifters and even employees is a common, frustrating problem for every retailer – no less worrisome because your kiosk is smaller and there is less inventory to steal. You’re also far more exposed, and you may have just one employee (perhaps yourself) on duty at a given time, so you are certainly at risk. In the third article of our series on how to make money with a mall kiosk, we look at store security.

Industry statistics show very few specialty retailers are insured against theft. If that includes you (and it probably does), you have an even greater incentive to do everything you can to keep your mall kiosk secure. Build security into your plan right from the start.

Let’s talk about your set-up first

  • Design your kiosk so you can see through to both sides. For blind spots, especially down low, use angled security mirrors that you can see from the cash register.
  • Display merchandise close to eye level, where it’s not only easy for customers to see, but easier for you to keep an eye on. Arrange items in pyramid shape stacks or other ways that make it harder for a shoplifter to “grab and go.” This will help you immediately spot if anything is missing. Keeping your displays clean and simple with no clutter will help with this this, too.
  • If you sell cell phones or similar devices, invest in security technology such as the Palmer CELLMATE, which eliminates theft while ensuring customers can interact easily with your products.
  • Consider an inventory-tracking system that integrates with your cash register. These systems provide management benefits beyond helping you monitor employees.
  • Post signs that warn you will prosecute shoplifters.
  • Use security cameras, and make them obvious enough to serve as a deterrent. It’s helpful to catch thieves on camera, but it’s better to warn them off before they cost you money. Installing dummy cameras can be a viable, budget-friendly alternative.

Now let’s talk about your employees

Check out potential sales people carefully before hiring anyone. You’re literally entrusting your business to them. Even if they don’t steal from you directly, behaviors such as leaving the kiosk unattended, reading, or simply not paying overt attention make it easy for others to steal.

Insist that your employees greet every potential customer and make eye contact, and that they make a point of offering to help anyone who lingers. Show employees any “shoplifting-friendly” spots within your kiosk, and let them know you expect vigilance.

What can you do personally to keep your mall kiosk secure?

  • Show up to visit at random times, if you aren’t usually on duty.
  • Spot-check your inventory and cash drawer.
  • Always check and reconcile deposits.

So far in our series about mall kiosks, we’ve looked at how to open a kiosk business, how to choose the right size kiosk, and how to protect your merchandise investment. In our final article, we’ll give you some tips on how to engage with mall customers without making them feel like you’re accosting them.

Palmer Retail Solutions strives to offer our clients the absolute best combination of innovation, quality, service, and value for our diversified custom store fixtures and merchandising displays. For more information about our designs, retail fixtures, cash wraps, kiosks, or point of purchase displays, visit our website at: