Palmer Retail Solutions Blog

Retail Management Tips for Building a Successful Team

Written by Kathy Heil | Nov 22, 2016 6:41:39 PM

As if there wasn’t enough to think about from a merchandising perspective, successful retail management requires you to build a strong team of people, too. Yet most managers in this industry come to their positions without a formal degree in retail. As a store manager or owner, it’s up to you to get your people – and yourself – on track for success.

Here are some tips that will help. We’ve divided them into things you can do to spark enthusiasm and engagement in employees, and things you can do to become a more effective manager.  

A successful team is made up of successful individuals

Many retail employees make low wages. They may be part-time workers who see this job as a short-term opportunity, not a lifelong career. Regardless, it’s up to you to instill a sense of excitement in your store and merchandise. And it’s up to you to teach them how to succeed, even if that isn’t their goal.

Give them the tools and training they need.

Share information about promotions, sales goals, etc. Pair new staffers with someone who can help show them the ropes. Train employees one-on-one, away from the sales floor where it’s quiet and neither of you will be interrupted. Never correct or criticize in front of customers or co-workers. And if you do criticize, tell them the right thing to do instead.

Set expectations.

No one can succeed if they don’t know what they’re supposed to do. Or not do. Everyone should have the same information about rules, goals, and the consequences of failed accountability. 

Put your merchandise in their hands.

They can’t explain or promote products if they haven’t played with them, tried them on, etc.

Tap into their brain-power.

Including everyone is the best way to help them feel involved. If they’re engaged, they’ll be friendlier and more helpful for customers. So ask their opinions about details that relate to their job. Who says they don’t have a better way of doing something? If you use their idea, be sure to give them full credit.

Reward them.

Any above-and-beyond action, idea, etc. deserves to be rewarded. You’ll find goodies such as a gift card, lunch or coffee-and-snack certificates, or something personally specific to them will be much appreciated.

Successful teams have great managers

It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed in retail management. It seems like you have to be everywhere, all the time. Competition is tough, and change is a regular occurrence. Exhilarating, isn’t it? Your love for your job and your store – in spite of the challenges – is one of your strongest assets in building a great team.

For you, success as a leader requires four key skills:

  1. Time management
  2. Staff hiring and supervision
  3. Understanding what motivates sales and service staff
  4. Managing change 

Get comfortable with these skills, and follow the above tips for inspiring your people. You’ll find yourself managing a highly successful team.