Palmer Retail Solutions Blog

Retail Trends for 2014

Written by aderby | Dec 31, 2013 12:46:36 PM

In-Store retail trends for 2014.

Not all retail trends involve technology upgrades. People remain a dynamic component when it comes to shopping, and people are what will be shaping retail trends as we move into 2014. Online shopping provides convenience, but shopping in-store provides a customized experience. While 65 percent of shoppers perform research online, they still make purchases in the store. In-store trends will be strong in the upcoming year.

The Evolving Retail Experience

  • Multi-channel competition. Brick and mortar stores and online retailers should take a page out of each other's books in 2014. A growing number of brick and mortar stores are matching the prices that consumers find online from their competitors. "The future of our business and all retail is going to have some online and some offline component," Dave Gilboa, Warby Parker co-founder told Fast Company. "The world doesn't have to be black and white."
  • Incorporate technology. A study published by shows that a growing number of shoppers are using their devices in store for everything from research to checking out. Seven out of 10 shoppers want to access digital content in the store, and surveyed shoppers have equal preference about obtaining that content through retailers’ touchscreens or their own personal devices. Offer interactive kiosks to inform your customers and reduce the fear of buyer's remorse.
  • Made in USA. Consumers are looking for ways to support American businesses and stateside products. If your retail store offers goods made in the USA, advertise this benefit so shoppers can feel a sense of pride purchasing at your store.

The retail industry is constantly changing. Remain competitive by constantly thinking of ways to customize the customer experience and implement these retail trends for 2014.

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