Palmer Retail Solutions Blog

Signage Tips for Your Retail Store

Written by aderby | Nov 7, 2013 10:14:39 AM

Create compelling signage for your store.

Clear, concise, and compelling signage can be your greatest asset to drive customers to your retail store. Signage gives customers a reason to choose your store over the endless options of competitors. Signage should facilitate the shopping process by conveying the message of your retail store. Signage should be front and center in your window display. Good retail signage tells customers what or why they are looking at a selection of merchandise.

Signage Tips for Your Retail Store

  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Choose fonts that are easy to read. Simple and clear font characters will attract customers to your message, followed closely by the product. If the sign can't be read in one glance, customers will move on.
  • Make your sales pitch. Why should the consumer buy your product? What benefits will it give them?
  • Personalize the message. You want customers to visualize themselves using the product in question. Use the words you and your in the copy.
  • Less is more. We'll say it again because it's that important; keep your message short. Eliminate any words that are not necessary to convey the message.
  • Test and revise. Ask for second, third, and fourth opinions. Confirm that the sign is visible from different angles and that it can be seen from a significant distance.
  • Add personality. Your signage should serve as an extension of your branding. Keep a similar look and feel to the signs that is consistent with the store.

Proper signage usage can drive customers to your store and increase brand awareness. Use these tips to create signage that engages the customer and improves sales.

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