Palmer Retail Solutions Blog

Kathy Heil

Recent Posts

Retail Trends That Harness Technology to Start the New Year Off Strong

For years, technology has transformed the retail landscape, in large part because it created serious online competition. But now, technology is also transforming retail inside brick-and-mortar stores. The Internet of Things (IoT) is here — it’s...

Many Happy Returns: How to Manage Customer Returns

For retailers, the post-holiday return rush can be almost as overwhelming as the initial sales action. So, it may be difficult for you to use the words “happy” and “returns” in the same sentence. But, rejoice! With a new outlook on customer returns...

The Best Location for A Cash Wrap Counter

Deciding on the best location for your cash wrap counter is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a retailer. You want to ensure cash wraps are conveniently located and easy to find, whether you have just one or several throughout your...

Black Friday Tips: How to Use Retail Fixtures to Maximize Sales

The heavy-duty retail season is almost upon us. Your displays reflect football, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. And then – literally overnight – it’s Black Friday, the beginning of that all-important Christmas rush. Yikes!

Busy as you are, you have to...

Planogram 101: The Ultimate Guide to Store Design

Store design and visual merchandising work together to sell your products but only if you arrange things strategically. A planogram is the centerpiece of that effort. It organizes your store so people can find products, and it helps you place items...

Tips to Turn Mall Foot Traffic Into Kiosk Customers

One of the most challenging aspects of the mall kiosk business involves engaging with customers. So far, our series on mall kiosks has discussed how to get started in the business, how to pick the right size for your kiosk and how to keep your...

8 Retail Stockroom Organization Methods to Improve Productivity

If your retail stockroom is messy or poorly organized, you can lose track of inventory and lose sales, too.

It’s time to take stock, as they say, and get that stockroom organized, so you can be less frustrated and more productive. Even if your...

5 Tips to Make Your Storefront Stand Out

Whether it’s on the street or in the middle of a mall, you want your storefront to stand out from your neighbors. Your prosperity depends on attracting customers, so your storefront design has to capture their attention and inspire them to visit....

Creative and Profitable: 5 Tips for a Successful Kiosk Design

You’ve decided on the perfect products or service for your kiosk. You just know people will love what you have to offer. But how can you get them to notice your kiosk and step up for a closer look? It takes creative design to catch the eye of...

Self Checkout: The Pros and Cons of Giving the Customer Control

Self-checkout continues to grow in popularity among retailers because today’s customers like the idea of a shopping experience tailored to their personal needs and desires. And these days, experience drives repeat sales and long-term loyalty. But,...